
Cards4Friends is a unique, no-cost opportunity to give back to the community and help celebrate, encourage, motivate, support, and say "thank you" the many people that touch our lives.

Information we will need:

  1. Name and Address of Recipient
  2. Occasion
  3. Name and email address of person requesting the card.

You will be notified by email once sent

There is no Cost

All cards will be signed by "Cards4Friends"

Frances has always loved to send cards to encourage others.  She has sent hundreds of cards to young people she has worked with, friends and or family and even people she hardly knows.  She likes to say thank you to local first responders and sends them thank you notes.  One of Frances’s supervisors at work used to send all of the staff a birthday and holiday card in the mail.  Frances would hear what some of the employees would say about receiving the card.  One employee said it was the only birthday card I received.  Another said it was a highlight to not just have bills in the mailbox.  The impact one card can have on one life really resonated with Frances, so she continued to write and send cards.

Frances wants to help others who may need some encouragement or a birthday card. Sometimes in this world we can forget about members in our community who need us because their family is small.  If you know someone who could use some encouragement, a thank you note, or even a birthday card please fill out the form below.

Request Your Card!

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Frances Vasquez Consulting © Copyright 2022